C O L L E G E D A T A B A S E 1 . 0 b y S h e k a r M . K r i s h n a n
With help from Takeo Kasumi, Daniel Millstein, and Mr. Joseph Lagor
Inspired by Mr. Thomas G. Ruth, Instructor of History, The Hill School
The College Database is a large database of some of the most popular and selective colleges in the United States. It contains information about average SAT math and verbal scores at most of the schools; the two most popular undergraduate majors; and the setting of the school; as well as its address and phone number and its designation as a liberal arts school or not.
You need TouchBASE 2.0 or the TouchBASE 2.0 Demo from After Hours Software plus about 250k free memory to open TouchBASE and the file. You also, of course, need a Macintosh.
Well, on campus here at the Hill School, a lot of my friends use it to print out form letters to schools (using mail merge). You can also use it to find what schools are right for you through TouchBASE's Find features.
If you use the database or feel that something is missing from it, I'd appreciate it if you would drop me a line at any of the following addresses:
(Thanks to Mr. Ruth for the motivation to get my butt in gear about getting information out to colleges. Also thanks to Josh Niedelman for letting me borrow all your college books while you were sick! (as if you had any choice!). Also thanks to Takeo for all the street addresses and dictations! If you are an admissions officer from Williams reading this message, PLEASE LET ME IN TO YOUR COLLEGE!).